CosmicEnigma Presents

Crew Health Telemetry System

Let's begin


Celem projektu jest stworzenie systemu zapewniającego bezpieczeństwo kosmonautów w kosmicznych operacjach, obejmującego bazę kosmiczną na Księżycu, stacje kosmiczne oraz niebezpieczne miejsca na Ziemi. Głównym narzędziem jest "Safety Box", uniwersalne urządzenie do monitorowania środowiska, zbierające telemetryczne dane o jakości powietrza, cząstkach niebezpiecznych oraz odstających od normy warunkach. Safety Box gromadzi te dane, dostarcza interfejs do analizy i posiada system alarmowy w przypadku zagrożenia. Urządzenie jest niezawodne, łatwe w montażu i minimalizuje potrzebę dodatkowych kabli oraz podatnych na uszkodzenia elementów.

W zakresie naszego projektu, zaprojektowane zostało urządzenie prototypowe potwierdzające naszą tezę projektową, a także opisaliśmy plan stworzenia następnej generacji, oferującą ulepszenia w każdej dziedzinie.



This system has been designed to introduce a simple yet reliable way for astronauts to monitor the status of their space base. The project entails creating a universal device equipped with a wide range of sensors, including air quality sensors, temperature sensors, humidity sensors, light intensity sensors, and strain gauges. This will enable astronauts to streamline their logistics network through standardization, ensuring high reliability and versatility. These devices will transmit data through a wireless network using a lightweight protocol that offers excellent wall penetration and reliability, reducing the need for additional wiring and infrastructure, thus minimizing potential points of failure

Working prototype

To showcase our vision, we decided to create MVP of our idea. With limited budget and production capacity, we developed a prototype, that showcases the exact way how our device would work.

The prototype contains plethora of sensors, containing:
  • (MQ-135) Air quality sensor being able to detect levels of:
    • Amoniac
    • Carbon dioxide
    • Hydrogen
    • Smoke
  • (BME280) Combinatory sensor being able to detect levels:
    • Temperature
    • Pressure
    • Humidity
  • (MQ9) air sensor being able to detect levels of:
    • CO
    • Propan
    • LPG
  • Vibration sensor, that can detect being hit, or earthquakes
  • Gyroscope (MPU6050)

All these sensors, were incloduded for accurate readings, that will allow us, to monitor the levels of all kinds of situations that cosmonauts might find themselves in. For example, we can detect too high levels of CO2, which would mean there's an issue in one of the rooms in our space base, and then being able to quickly inform the main system, that something happened and that our cosmonauts must act immediately. All these sensors, are then sent to our main server via Wifi over long range radio waves (Kriss needs to elaborate on that more ) Afterwards, they are received at our main server, and then consumed by our backend, that puts this data in very efficient time based database (InfluxDB) Afterwards, all of this data can be viewed by our cosmonauts on any kind of device, via sleek website, which will help them make predictions, receive customised alarms and export it for all kinds of data analytics activities. The box itself is made in way, that makes it as small as possible with our tech, as reliable, simple as it's possible. We included a significant amount of mounting points, so it can be used in any kind of manner in our space base. Outside of capacity of sending data over Radio, we also included a small display, that is able to display customised data, such for example, current temperature in the room


Link to grafana charts: Charts

Backend code: Github

Our Team